Bill Verplank at Interaction 11

Bill Verplank: Opening Keynote from Interaction Design Association.
“Bill Verplank is a human-factors engineer with a long career in design, research and education. As a fresh ME PhD from MIT he worked eight years at Xerox on the testing and refinement of what we now call the “desktop metaphor”: bit-map graphics, keyboard and mouse, direct manipulation. For six years, he worked with Bill Moggridge at IDTwo and IDEO doing “interaction design” – bringing the insights from computers to the industrial design of medical instruments, GPS navigation, mobile phones, and new input devices (keyboards, track-balls, mice). From IDEO, he moved to Interval Research for 8 years of innovating design methods (observation, body-storming, scenarios, metaphors) and researching active force-feedback (“haptics”).

He began teaching design and man-machine-systems as a graduate student at MIT and “visual thinking” and product design at Stanford in the ’70s. Since then he has lectured regularly in human factors, user-interface design and most recently “new music controllers” at Stanford’s CCRMA. In 2000, he joined the steering committee of the Interaction Design Institute Ivrea (IDII) in Italy and has consulted most recently with the Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design (CIID). He co-authored ACM SIGCHI Curriculum Recommendations and, for seven years, taught popular tutorials on Graphical Interface Design and Sketching Scenarios. He is known for sketching as he talks.”
See also_ Bill Verplank sketches metaphors at BayCHI 2008

Hamburger Unkonferenz Raum Schiff Erde

Raum Schiff Erde am 13.2.2011 in Hamburg
das Raum Schiff landet im Februar wieder im Jazzclub Stellwerk in Hamburg-Harburg. Wer dabei sein möchte, kann jetzt in unserem Wiki einchecken. Und obwohl am Programm noch fleißig gefeilt wird, zeichnet sich schon jetzt eine spannende und inspirierende Mischung ab.
Diverse Projekte aus den Bereichen Digitales, Interaktionsdesign, Internet, Philosphie und Lötkolben stellen sich vor und werden alleine durch das Motto “Ordung und Chaos” gebändigt!
(Kleiner fraktaler Scherz am Rande: Wofür steht das B. in Benoit B. Mandelbrot? )
Ich hoffe, dass wir an den Erfolg vom letzten Jahr anknüpfen, und dass wir den einen oder anderen Rebooter, Idealisten und Weltverbesserer auf der unkonventionellen Konferenz treffen werden. Hier nochmal die Links_

Es grüßen Matthias und die #RSE11 Crew

Ted Nelson at Hypertext 01

This is not my planet. And this is not my conference.

What an opening to a talk at ACM Hypertext 01 by Ted Nelson! Ted Nelson at ACM Hypertext 2001 from mprove on University of Nottingham
Some quotes:

[2’10”] I think of the world wide web and XML and cascading style sheets is the ultimate triumph of the typewriter over the author. +++ three fundamental problems today: 1) hierarchical file structures 2) simulation of paper 3) the application prison +++ [12’40”] Software is a branch of movie making. +++ [17’50”] The question is about starting over. +++ ZigZag / Authoplectic structures where trees and tables are just edge cases. +++

More at Ted Nelson Bibliography