Here is a nice info graphic on the history of the OOo universe_
.prezi-player { width: 550px; } .prezi-player-links { text-align: center; }
Here is a nice info graphic on the history of the OOo universe_
.prezi-player { width: 550px; } .prezi-player-links { text-align: center; }
more videos from herraizsoto&co on Vimeo.
Ommwriter, the zen of text editing.
(colorpro 13-Feb-2011 : Schöne Alternative zu OmmWriter ist iA Writer auf dem iPad.
Powerpoint. Macht und Einfluss eines Präsentationsprogramms. Herausgegeben von Claus Pias und Wolfgang Coy im Fischer Verlag, 2009
Dear OOo guys,
don’t know if you have noticed yet, but the update notification mechanism does not work properly. It continuously informs me on new updates – while in fact there are none available. Furthermore, the menu bar icon never goes away.
I assume this is not the intended behaviour. I hope you agree and fix this. Issue filed: 102098
PS_ deleting the file user/LibraryApplication Support/ solves the problem.
Beat Signer on PowerPoint Multimedia Presentations in Computer Science Education: What Do Users Need? /30′ video at TU Graz
Structured interviews with 9 faculty members of ETH Zurich lead to the following desired features
Idea for PaperPoint: Use Anoto pen on hand-out of presentation to control the slide show. Very nice!
Publication: PaperPoint: a paper-based presentation and interactive paper prototyping tool. In: Tangible and embedded interaction. Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Tangible and embedded interaction
Each and every time I open an Impress window I have to close the task pane. No, I don’t want it. I don’t need it. It just consumes screen space. If I need it I want to be in control and open it myself and close it afterwards when no longer needed.
RFE: The state of the task pane should become a persistent Impress setting.
ISSUE# 95600
C. /IBM says: Indeed, this has annoyed me for years already; in search of the hidden option to turn off this “feature”, I came across your post. Thanks for raising this!
It’s that simple (at least to get venture capital for your startup)
Stefan and I have created a new version of the Menu for Firefox with better usability for the menu to quickly navigate ooo’s sites from Firefox. However, problem is that we cannot replace v1.0.4 with the new v1.1. See the discussion at Firefox Add-on site. Who can provide any help?