Insights On Innovation. Apple thinks good design is a present. Pixel-perfect mockups are critical. 10 to 3 to 1. Paired design meetings. Brainstorm meeting. Production meeting. Pony meetings.
What else does Apple do differently? 1. Apple does not do market research. 2. Apple has a very small team who designs their major products. 3. Apple owns their entire system. 4. Apple focuses on a select group of products. 5. Apple has a maniacal focus on perfection.
So is it possible for you to innovate like Apple? You need a leader who prioritizes new product innovation. You need to focus. You need the right people, and you need to reward them.
Complete article at: You Can’t Innovate Like Apple — By Alain Breillatt
Tag: innovation
The Top Five Innovation Killers
- An intolerance of failure.
- An excessive customer focus.
- A desire for a magic pill, not a daily exercise regime.
- An unwillingness to cannibalise sales.
- A reliance on a small cadre of innovators.