an anthropological view into YouTube by Michael Wesch, June 2008:
more info:
found via: 80+ Videos for Tech. & Media Literacy
an anthropological view into YouTube by Michael Wesch, June 2008:
more info:
found via: 80+ Videos for Tech. & Media Literacy
Dear OOo guys,
don’t know if you have noticed yet, but the update notification mechanism does not work properly. It continuously informs me on new updates – while in fact there are none available. Furthermore, the menu bar icon never goes away.
I assume this is not the intended behaviour. I hope you agree and fix this. Issue filed: 102098
PS_ deleting the file user/LibraryApplication Support/ solves the problem.
The Information Architecture Konferenz 2009 took place in Hamburg last weekend. Here are some links…
Hermann Maurer on “Der grosse Bruder wird nun wirklich ernst: Google und mehr…” /slides
Beat Signer on PowerPoint Multimedia Presentations in Computer Science Education: What Do Users Need? /30′ video at TU Graz
Structured interviews with 9 faculty members of ETH Zurich lead to the following desired features
Idea for PaperPoint: Use Anoto pen on hand-out of presentation to control the slide show. Very nice!
Publication: PaperPoint: a paper-based presentation and interactive paper prototyping tool. In: Tangible and embedded interaction. Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Tangible and embedded interaction
Have you ever wondered how to nail a pudding to the wall? I guess I figured it out: — freeze the pudding first!
Have fun!
Prof. Rolf Schulmeister anlässlich der Tagung “Personal Learning Environment in der Schule”. Sehr spannende 40 Minuten: Was konstruiert eigentlich eine Lernumgebung (Video)
Guy Kawasaki interviewed Harmut Esslinger.
Read the answers at OpenForum: The Inside Scoop on Design: Ten Questions with Hartmut Esslinger
“Digital Natives (and immigrants) and the potential pathologies”, Barcelona 2009
And especially_