You can influence life

Everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you. And you can change it. You can influence it. You can build your own things that other people can use. Once you learn that you will never be the same again. – Steve Jobs

One Year Oracle SocialChat – The Movie

One Year Oracle SocialChat from mprove on Vimeo.

You’ve just watched – hopefully – my first short movie. Thank you! Here is a bit of the back stage story.

About 6 weeks ago colleagues from SNBC (Social Network and Business Collaboration) announced a Social Use Case Competition. It was expected to submit a video of 2 to 5 minutes duration on the Social Enterprise (our internal phrase for Enterprise 2.0). Hmm – I had a few vague ideas, but no script – no actors – no experience in film making. Really the best conditions to try something!

I chose our weekly SocialChats as my main topic. But if you don’t do Danish Dogma cinema, you still need a script. Hence I played around with the SocialChat’s archive, and all of a sudden a script and even the actors appeared in front of me. The words that you have just seen are weekly topics. Slightly abridged and rearranged to form a story.

Exciting, next phase. How to get it on digital celluloid? I have to confess I am still impressed by epic. (Keep in mind, epic was done in 2004.) And my actors – words – call for a typographic style already. The main part was done over a weekend with Apple Keynote. And I even found a wonderful matching soundtrack among my albums: Didge Goes World by Delago. I picked parts of Second Day and Seventh Day. Literally, the rhythm was set, and I “just” had to complete the movie. Tools used – apart from trial and error: Keynote, Pixelmator, GarageBand, iMovie.

Finally I want to mention that I am extremely thankful to BSC Music for granting permissions to use the tracks for this short film! Without this sound it would have been just an ordinary slide show.

Frank Ludolph’s Last Working Day

Frank Ludolph on Apple Lisa

Hi Frank,

today is your last day at Oracle. I cannot belief that retirement is an alternative to designing software and improving products for decades. I might figure it out myself in a couple of years.

Our ways have crossed several times. And I am extremely thankful for that. I still remember my first session on an Apple Lisa. It must have been around 1985. I was still in school, and we were visiting the University of Hamburg to get some orientation on the departments. When I started I chose Informatics. And I suppose the Apple Lisa played a significant role in my decision. Is it fate that I later wrote about Apple Lisa?

I’ve attended your presentation and public demo of the Lisa System at CHI ’98 in Los Angeles. Maybe a video still exists. I should look it up and publish it somewhere.* You had also booth duty for Sun Microsystems – presenting HotJava Views, a user interface for a network computer. And you were handing out VHS tapes (!) of Starfire. I still have mine – but no player anymore.

Then I joined Sun in 2002, and I guess I popped up in your office each time when I came to Santa Clara. The SEED mentoring program finally made it possible that we exchanged and discussed many ideas on the past and future of HCI. Dueling Interaction Models of Personal-Computing and Web-Computing at MEDICI 2007 is one of the results. But do you remember for instance also our jam session with Phil Clevenger on Hello World? Marvelous!

I will miss you at Oracle. Enjoy your life and let’s stay in touch.


* Even better, transcript and video of CHI 98 are already online:

The Lisa User Interface as presented by Frank Ludolph and Rod Perkins at CHI ’98, April 1998

Hans Rosling at TED

Yesterday’s BBC video was just the first course. Today I’ve collected a chronology of Hans Rosling’s talks at TED:

1) No more boring data / Debunking third-world myths with the best stats you’ve ever seen, February 2006

2) New insights on poverty and life around the world, March 2007

3) HIV: New facts and stunning data visuals, February 2009

4) Let my dataset change your mindset, June 2009

5) Asia’s rise – how and when, November 2009

6) On global population growth, June 2010

7) The good news of the decade?, September 2010

8) The magic washing machine, December 2010

And one final_

Hans Rosling’s answers to the TED and Reddit community interview

There are several more videos from Hans Rosling. Just check them out.

200 Countries x 200 Years

I find this video interesting for a couple of reasons:

  1. all the data is stored in databases. Better visualization methods are needed to grasp and understand the information.
  2. animated data visualizations can convey more insights than stills can.
  3. Hans Rosling is not Tom Cruise. But wall size displays and gestures will be part of the UI landscape tomorrow.

Related: Engaging Analytics with iPad by Julia Blyumen

Back to Childhood in UI Design Jul 2011

Here is the video of my presentation at Hyperkult: Back to Childhood – Infantilization of UI Design. After the talk Ivan Sutherland pointed out that the TX-2 was just build to prove the concept of a computer based on transistors. The four black knobs below the screen where not build in specific for Sketchpad; they rather controlled directly the value for four memory registers that Ivan used for scrolling and zooming the image on screen.

Back to Childhood – Infantilisation of UI Design from mprove on Vimeo.

German paper and references: Zurück in die Kindheit – Infantilisierung im UI Design.