SocialChat on Sharing Best Practices

mproveShareThis SocialChat touches the heart of Enterprise 2.0: Why is it challenging to share best practice? Once again, we had an interesting crowd together exchanging ideas at our internal microblogging channel. Read my share top down:

  • In my opinion “sharing best practice” has at least two problems:
    1) The entry barrier is to high. If you ask yourself if your case is a good example for best practice, then it is likely that you say no. So asking for just the best is wrong.
  • 2) Collecting “best practice” is most of the time an after-though, once the project is done. But then you are already preparing for the next project and don’t have time to think about the previous lessons learned.
  • Therefore “sharing best practice” needs to happen while you are still on the project. It should not be an extra step that causes extra work that nobody pays for.
  • @gary Indeed, social software can help to identify the nuggets. But this can only happen if the information is easily accessible and has an URI to refer to. And of course #3) we need a culture of sharing, referring and recommending stuff.
  • @amy “close communications” yes, but not “closed”. Other employees need to be able to participate.
  • The trick is to exploit the selfish attitude of some people. (The altruistic do it anyway). The argument to convince the selfish and ego-centric is the following: …
  • @amy Incentives don’t work. They don’t change the culture.
  • @amy “What’s my benefit if you can do your job better and get a bonus?”
  • As nobody is asking how to convince the selfish, I guess I keep the secret. :o)
  • @frank Open source is all about sharing. And the s-curve in Sun’s recent visual brand was a symbol for sharing.
  • @frank But I do not want to sound too enthusiastic. Reality was somewhere between the ideal and the average.
  • The secret trick revealed in the final minute…
  • Share with yourself! You gain something for your future projects if you blog some notes or fill some wiki pages about the current project for later use. (psst, others might do the same and you all benefit.)

Credits for the nice infinite icon: KPT #18

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